Friday, March 8, 2013

The Child’s world

What kind of world is it, my friend
That little children see?
I wonder if they see God first
Because they just believe?

Do they see strength in caring eyes
That watch them as they play,
Or maybe love through gentle hands
That guide them on the way?
Do you think they dream of future times
When they would be king,
Or just enjoy their present life
While with their friends they sing?
Do they see acts of kindness
done for people who are poor
Is that the very best in everyone
What they are looking for?
And when the day is over
As they close their eyes to sleep
Do they look forward to tomorrow
with its promises to keep?
If this is what the children see
Then it should be no surprise
That the world would be a better place
If we all had children’s eyes.

~ Tom Krause